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young gemini


You run across the world

Pit pat, pit pat

Your hands clasp

Each new thing you see

Fistfuls of purple sand

Yellow daisies, delicately

Pluck each petal

To examine its drift

Lazily into the wind

Feet itching to run

Eyes burning like sun

Young Gemini, you spy

Across the horizon

A thousand adventures

And plans to achieve them

No plot is too great

For you to navigate

Soul split in a thousand pieces

As you go, drop each one

Pit pat, pit pat

Like breadcrumbs

You could gobble them all up

And it would never be enough

You've got too many guts

Roiling in constant hunger

A perpetual search for fresh wonder

You roll like sweeping thunder

Young Gemini, never satisfied

Until you have discovered why

Questions resting between

Your tongue and your teeth

For clouds above and dirt beneath

You move so fast

Pit pat, pit pat

And I hope you never slow

For each new place you go

Leaves a path for someone new

Who will someday follow you

We've forged a torch

That we pass to your hands

Past and future united

By how we guide and were guided

Persistence earns distance

Across this vast expanse

So run, young Gemini

Pit pat, pit pat

And when those with intent

To silence you attempt

To put this flame to death

Don't you ever forget

Your great constellation

Strength illuminated

Young Gemini, be wise

Keep seeking, keep seeking

Young Gemini

And you will find.

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